Monday 31 January 2011

New Year's Nuns

This entry is less of a long narrative but more of a collection of small chunks of the time between New Years to mid January...
Arrived in Cali, sweating buckets left right and centre in the company of Debs and Chris. Alas this would be the last time for a while as Debs and Chris were off to "help kids who can't read good and want to learn to do other stuff good too" in Quito straight after NYE. Before that however, we made friends with the strangest bunch of backpackers yet, in our new hostel and with whom we elected to spend New Years with. Sometimes when you look at those as yet to be certified as insane you can't tell that they're the ticking time bomb they turn out to be, which is understandable (with the exceptions of George Bush, Richard Nixon and Katie Price, who all looked like nut jobs and we have only ourselves to blame for not spotting them sooner). However, when said locos have drunk too much, aggravated everybody and even tried to push someone down the nearest flight of stairs, I have to draw the line and insist on all Americans being given mandatory sanity checks before being allowed to get on a plane. Apologies to all my American friends who are the nicest of people, even when merry, this does not apply to you... but I am watching you, just in case. Suffice to say that the group we were with had their highlights, some should be committed and some simply sent back to the states. Despite the nut jobs, NYE was great, we got to see in the new year atop of a fancy tower block and all in all it was a good night. Special mention needs to go to Debbie who clearly showed she has the skills necessary to be a shrink for depressives as she consoled all those affected and was the general negotiator to the wackos of said NYE, well done Debs.
Into 2011, it was time to arrange buses towards Ecuador, however, doing such a task on the day after New Years, is not an easy task, especially for Chris who we dragged to the bus stop only for him to find the nearest bench and fall asleep on it. Naturally, all tramps must be awoken with water to the face, and needless to say Chris was not best pleased. I should try special brew next time... Finally bus bound for Ecuador, Debs, Chris and I said our farewells near the border, they were headed directly to their volunteering work near Quito, whilst I was headed to the Santuario de las Lajas on the Colombian side of the border to see what all the fuss was about somebodies mum's image appearing on a rock. Turns out it was the Maria's image that appeared on a rock there, so they built a massive church around it over the last 400 years...
I got bored of looking at Cathedrals and Churches about 3 countries ago, however the Santuario de las Lajas was quite stunning. Set in a plunging valley, the church looks almost to defy physics it looks so precarious, but so far it is one of the most impressive sights I've seen in Colombia. Hundreds of years before, the image of the Maria appeared to a local women and ever since the image has attracted thousands of people from Colombia and Ecuador to pray miracles. Similarly to Lourdes in France, they even sell holy water, although here it seems to be litre tubs that look suspiciously like Evian bottles. The walls are scattered with plaques of prayer and even though the Maria's image is absolutely spot on for a typical 16th Century artist, the visitor numbers are unrelenting, as what ever gives people faith I suppose it was is important.
Given the nature of the following here, its not that surprising that I make my home that evening inside a nunnery. Upon arriving I had excited images in my mind of what lay in store in the convent, either like the lonely nuns from Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail (short vid or long vid) or the slightly manly ones from Nuns on the Run (trailer). Sadly, as ever, expectations can be a dangerous thing, and most of the nuns whilst rather giggly did in fact look more like a short but tanned version of Robby Coltrane than anything I was hoping for. I won't mention which person sent me a text telling me they'd pay me 100 quid for seducing a nun, but lets just say their money is safe.
After taking my fair share of 16th century artwork in the church and annoying the apparent Mother Superior with my ipod stereo, it was time to head for Quito. A place where everyone warns you about the muggers, who'll spray you with mustard and ketchup given half a chance. Clearly, I shall have to make sure that I don't dress up as a hot dog. Quito was fairly uninspiring to write about but I've included the photos here.
photos in the usual place

NYE and Sanctuario de las Lajas

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